Reiki is a millennia-old, spiritual healing method from India, which was developed at the beginning of the last century by the Japanese scholar Dr. Mikao Usui was rediscovered and developed further. “Re” stands for “universal” in Japanese and “Ki” for “energy” (such as “Prana” in Indian). Reiki means translated "universal life energy", ie natural healing energy that flows through the hands of the Reiki healer and is passed on through gentle touch. The self-healing powers of your body are activated, disturbed areas in your energy field are balanced.
(By the way, for me it is always exciting to see how children and animals react positively to Reiki : they know intuitively that a force flows here that is good for them; they don't have to know anything about it intellectually;)
Hands on
50 min | EUR 50
70 min | EUR 65
Remote treatments on demand

PHONOPHORESIS - Sound Acupuncture

Specially tuned tuning forks are placed directly on certain meridian and acupuncture points. With the calming sounds and the gently vibrating vibrations , they can help to alleviate, loosen and harmonize "learned" dis-harmonies that led to moods or even illness. In this way, blockages in the body can be gently released and the self-healing powers are mobilized; Scars can also be suppressed. Acupuncture without needles is a wonderful alternative, especially for children.
I like to combine phonophoresis with singing bowls, a soothing body candle, Touch for Health
Chakra balancing through feet
30 min | EUR 35
Individual session
50 min | EUR 50
Our body is like a large orchestra and a unique one too. All our body structures - organs, bones, cells - have their own resonance frequencies, which together create a polyphonic - and unique - harmony.
When we are sick, we are literally DETUNED.
(Sound) healing consists in bringing the inharmoniously vibrating parts of the body back into harmony.
Like a stone that is thrown into water, the sound vibrations spread through the body
- which consists of 80% water; our brain even of 90% - off.
Sound is an energy that can penetrate our cell structure and affect our molecules. Sound can restructure and rearrange molecules. In sound healing, the use of the voice is called tones. Toning is probably the oldest and most natural form of sound healing. A common definition of sound is: release pain with the help of the voice. Sounding serves to bring different parts of the body to resonate and to bring them back into a state of harmony and adaptation.
Switch off and enjoy. Let wear. Arrive. Feel the body. A sound treatment ultimately works like an internal massage of the body cells. Physical and emotional tensions and blockages can be released in this way.
Sound therapy is based on ancient knowledge about the effects of sounds, which were used in Indian healing art over 5000 years ago. The spectrum of applications ranges from gentle and very deep relaxation to targeted use in therapy, education and wellness.
Take a soothing sound bath made from singing bowls, tuning forks and sound games that are individually tailored to you; preferably in combination with a fantasy journey, a mantra or a guided meditation.
30 min | EUR 35
50 min | EUR 50
70 min | EUR 65
Group meditations and sound journeys on request -
also at your home or in your seminar / office


The AromaTouch® Technique from doTERRA
is a holistic method to strengthen the body's defenses, to prevent or reduce inflammation and to achieve inner balance.
In this fragrant body application, very specific pure essential oils are applied along the meridians and the reflex zone points on the back and feet and gently incorporated.
In this way you support the balancing and harmonization of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system of your body in a simple and ingenious way.
AromaTouch body: 60 min | EUR 55
HandTouch hand massage: 15 min | EUR 20
Combination: 65 min | EUR 65

The IL-DO body candle, a natural product made from beeswax, linen and various herbs, is a useful addition to energy work in order to release blockages and abnormal sensations in the body's own energy field. This method originally comes from the Indian and other primitive peoples. They made funnels from tree bark, filled them with dried and ground herbs and placed them on painful areas or used them for mental problems. The relaxing, energizing, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effect of a body candle on body, mind and soul can relieve symptoms such as nervousness, headaches, insomnia and feelings of stress and is equally beneficial for humans and animals .
ENERGY EXCHANGE (including candle)
Individual session: 35 min | EUR 40
Combination with
Reiki, singing bowls or phonophoresis: 70 min | EUR 65
All energetic aids such as Reiki, sound massage and phonophoresis do not replace a medical diagnosis, treatment or therapy and essentially serve to revitalize and harmonize the energy balance, to activate and strengthen self-healing powers and to increase well-being. They are not a substitute for a diagnosis or treatment by a doctor or therapist.
In contrast to acupuncture, which is reserved exclusively for doctors and non-medical practitioners, the stimuli in tone puncture are not set by invasive needles. The stimulation is carried out by gently putting on the tuning fork without pressure.
The AROMATOUCH® technique is not a massage.
If you cannot keep an appointment, please cancel it at least 24 hours in advance. In the event of non-cancellation, I allow myself to charge a cancellation fee.