"Knock on the sky and then listen to the sound!"
(from ZEN Buddhism)
The healing effect of words, touches and sounds has been experienced, researched and passed on for thousands of years and has long been scientifically proven.
In my work I combine the knowledge I have learned with my experience and tried and tested techniques in order to provide you with a holistic, individual concept for self-development! I see my task in discovering and promoting the power IN YOU - be it your talent, your inner voice, your self-healing powers - because:
"You can't teach a person anything;
one can only help him to find it in himself. "
Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642)

I've been since 2006
Qualified social pedagogue, freelance musician and actress
My education and training include
REIKI I., II, III. Degree
Systemic coach and crisis and trauma advisor iA
Cert. Business mental trainer (vitalakademie)
Cert. Belief clearing practitioner
(dr steve g. jones)
Yin Yoga Teacher
(Arhanta Ashrams)
Cert. Ho'oponopono Practitioner
(dr. ihaleakala hew len, dr j. vitale, don alexander)
Phonophoresis and singing bowls
AromaTouch® (doterra)
Touch for Health I + II
Mindfulness & Meditation Practitioner
Breath, voice and speaking
Animal communication
" Behavior Consultant And Educational Adviser for Cats "
(sztvt wien)
IL-DO ® body candle therapy
Educational Advisor for Sex Education
... you can find a lot on the internet now, if you haven't googled already, in short: mostly it's things about my creative work as a musician in the last 15 years.
MUSIC was my first love - and always will be. But I have always been a creative and extremely vigilant spirit, constantly on the lookout for the "more" of knowledge, the "more" in life and for the answers to my countless "why" s. At heart I am a researcher, observer and collector - even as a child I researched the deep inside of small things and large people.
I had to question everything and dismantle it under my microscope, I was always fascinated by animals, sounds, nature, the sea and its smallest roommates, loved collecting shells and hearts, digging my hands deep into the earth, always on top of it Searching for hidden treasures, wanted to drill out the stones in my ways because I always believe in the beautiful in them and dissect beautiful and less beautiful encounters with other people down to the smallest detail, just to understand what drives them and why they tick how.
In my childhood, high sensitivity was still synonymous with "being different" - today I am incredibly grateful for that, because it taught me so much - and ultimately shaped me into the person I am today: with all my knowledge, gifts, talents and Skills!
And so I open mine today
Space for sound and energy work
to you!
A space for humans and animals with the fundamental endeavor to gently accompany each individual in the direction of self-confidence, self-determination, authenticity, understanding, well-being and self-regulation.
YOUR: Sound
MY: sound
in line